Important Facts You Need To Know About In Ground Fences

Important Facts You Need To Know About In Ground Fences


There are many ways to keep your dog safe
on your property, but very few are as effective as an in ground fence. Compared
to a traditional fence, an in ground fence will only cost a fraction without compromising
on the safety of your doggo.

Sometimes, it might not be possible to put
up a traditional fence due to neighborhood restrictions or the fact that they
cause a visual obstruction.

We have highlighted some important facts
you need to know before installing a fence. We are assuming that you already
know how an in ground fence works:

The Layout

You will need to plan the layout in order
to establish your dog’s boundaries. You might not want him roaming your entire
compound but just a specific area. The first step in establishing the dog’s
boundaries is by sketching your house as well as other aspects of your home’s

Next, you will need to design a fencing
layout that you feel is appropriate for your dog. One of the benefits of sketching
before doing the installation, is that you are likely to discover challenges
that you had not anticipated. Better find that out during this stage, than
later when digging your yard with a flat-edged spade.


When installing your boundary wire you
should take care not to interfere with the buried power lines. If your boundary
wire should cross with the power lines, ensure that it is done at a 90-degree
angle. There’s a chance that if you don’t cross the wire at a 90-degree angle
that a weak gap will be created making it possible for your dog to escape and
go beyond the boundary.

There are certain areas within your home
where you might need to cancel the signal such as your doorway. Doing this will
allow your dog to walk in and out without any restrictions.

Cancelling out the signal is a simple
affair basically, you will need to twist the boundary wire in the same way you
would a bread tie. There should be about 10 to 12 twists per foot. This knocks
out the signal for the length of the twisted area.


Before getting your spade out, you need to
spread out your boundary wire across your property to ensure that everything is
working properly. Once it’s plugged in, walk along the boundary with the dog’s
receiver collar.

Go back to your layout and ensure that you
don’t have any sharp 90-degree turns. If this happens to be the case, you can
ease the boundary wire around 8 or 10 feet.

You need to ensure that you have the right
tools for the job. If your installing the in ground fence for a small yard, you
should consider a sharp garden spade since all you will be doing is splitting
the sod to a depth of 2- to 3-inches.

If you have a lot of ground to cover, you
can use a lightweight trencher as a rental.

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