17 Jan Historical Roots of Raccoon Hunting
The history of raccoon hunting in our time can be traced to Native Americans, who hunted them for food and pelts. The practice was adopted by European settlers, who introduced raccoon hunting dogs to the equation in Colonial times. George Washington was credited with owning some of the best raccoon hounds. Early dogs had trouble tracking the raccoons when they climbed trees, so breeders developed varieties that learned how to follow treed raccoons.
Early raccoon hunters would be amazed by the technologies available today, such as Petsafe training systems with both Petsafe electronic fences and Petsafe in-ground fences that are available from the Buzzard’s Roost. You’ll also find all the Garmin systems and GPS accessories you’ll need for successful training and hunting, including the Garmin Alpha, Garmin Astro 320, the Garmin 320, the Garmin TT15 and the Garmin Drivetrack.
In the mid-to-late 1800s, raccoons were hunted primarily for their pelts. A fair price for a pelt in 1885 was 25 cents. When raccoon coats became popular in the 1920s, prices for pelts rose, leading to an increase in hunting and trapping. During the Depression, raccoon hunting was a source of food as well as income. The raccoon population began to dwindle, leading to conservation efforts in the middle part of the century.
By the 1970s, pelts were bringing $25 to $30 apiece, giving some hunters the opportunity to make their entire living by raccoon hunting. The market largely dried up by the late 1980s.
Raccoon hunting continues to be popular in the South and the Midwest. Expert hunters can make six-figure income hunting raccoons, and a top raccoon hound can sell for up to $40,000.
The Buzzard’s Roost is your source for everything and anything related to raccoon hunting. Popular brands such as Dogtra and Garmin are well represented. For more information on our full line of raccoon hunting supplies, please call 252-795-5000.
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